Sep 8, 2010

All good things last ; Your my oppa ep. 8 (last epsiode)

 OMG! ep 8 is out , the last episode . This makes me sad :[ I'm going to miss this guys. I'm so excited to watch but yet i can  feel sadness in my heart T.T
  Like the old saying goes ''ALL GOOD THINGS LAST'' , this show and infinite is one the good things that happened in my kpop life.

  Wait would you mind to check my heart if its still their? :]

This episode is really heart breaking >.< squeezing your heart every second.
Jiae left without knowing her oppa , maybe because she dont want to let her oppa see her sad, she dont want to see her oppa her weak side.

Jiae is really toughful to her oppa, she tought of their exhaustion and hardwork ,she even cook for them,wrote a letter each on of them and gave a each gift before she left.

 In her video message to her oppa, Jiae keep strong , she tried hard not to cry to make her oppa not to worry.
   Infinite were half shock half sad , mix feeling when they know their sis left. They really dont know what to do.

 2months of cooking food for Jiae, waking her up, protecting her , sending her  to school , knowing her feelings , asking her what she did on that day and letting her know that she is love by his oppa is really a big deal. Now leaving and knowing that they cant live together is really hard to accept specially when your used to it.

  When Jiae was asked when she missed the most, she answered ''When i go to school,When i wake up, When i eat''. Its really hard to let go of something that your happy with .Its like a part of you is gone.

Its been almost 2 months that Infinite and jiae live together, a very short time but then every moment is a memory to treasure for a lifetime.

  Among all the members I think sungyeol really love his sister. Jiea could it feel off and on cam.Sungyeol cried just by reading the letter jiae wrote to them.

 Others were so protective to her.

 Myungsoo even forced to smile to hide his sadness while watching the video of jiae saying goodbye to them. But then they cant hide what they really feel , the sadness comes out in no time.

 Maknae, woohyun and hoya were so sad too :{

  Leader gyu was really strong, he never cry but you can see the sadness in his face. For me , I think, since Sungyu is the leader , he tought he need to be strong for his member, he need to comfort them,(am i so dramatic here?).

 Dongwoo and Sungyeol really cried a lot. I was so really touched by them. (n.n)

 While watching this episode i was also holding back my tears , but then when i watch Sungyeol and dongwoo cry, thats the time I breakdown and cried a lot.A lot of tears fell as if something is piercing my heart. Omg, how i wish  I have a bigbro like Sungyeol. I love how he talk and act to Jiae.

  If I was in Jiae i must be so depressed., coz living with the oppa's is like a paradise, you can feel that you were loved, like you were really living this earth , that you exist.

  yeaahhh its true that this is just a show , that jiae isn't their sister when we talk about reality but then deep in their heart they treat, act and show to Jiae that she is a real sister, that they were her oppa, that once in their life they are 8 siblings.


ϒσυŕε Μϒ θρρα Ep8 [2 &3]



CrazyCC said...

part 1?

Anonymous said...

why can't i watched this

maryqueen said...

the video is not working. im sad.

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